Friday 27 January 2012

Why are routines so hard for me to keep

Is it just me or are others having the same problem in their life? I can't stick to a routine.  I start out well and good intentions, blogging, exercising etc but it always falls to the wayside.  I think that's why I didn't commit to a 365 day photo blog....I know I would never be able to keep it up.

Anyway, on the plus side, we are moving again. Temporaily for now, doing some housesitting for a few months.  Maybe this is what I need....who knows??

Two days to move in day! Kinda excited like newlyweds.  Will post some pictures next week.

Friday 23 December 2011

Busy Miss Elf

So I have been extremely busy plus have a sick daughter with the flu and temp.  Not feeling the best myself.  Flu I guess.  Lots of news. My photo made flickr Explore yesterday!!! Yay!  Excited me.  I love still life photography and setting up different shots.  So much fun to see what you can create yourself. 

Made some slush yesterday and more peanut butter balls.  GOING HOME FOR CHRISTMAS TOMORROW YAYAYYYY!!!  EXCITED ME :)


Here's my flickr photo plus another one I did today :)

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Missed Again....Oops

Ok so I missed yesterday.  Had a busy day with Jess and didn't get home til 9:30 last night.  So tired.  Awake a 7:11 this morning so figured I would write now just to get back on track. Took pics of my Nativity scene yesterday morning.  It's old but I love it, lots of character as it is in a moss covered wooden manger.  Can't remember where I bought it.  Back in the days of living in Marystown for sure.

Was talking to Friends in Gander last night.  There are sitting by his father's death bed and took a quick break at a restaurant for supper. Have been thinking of them ever since.  So sad, especially at Christmas time.

Have lots of gifts to wrap today and popping over to see my neighbor...will post a pic later.

Monday 19 December 2011

Missed a day....

Ok, so I missed writing yesterday. Jess and I were busy in the kitchen all day.  Actually she was the baker and I was her helper.  Made 3 kinds of cookies and I did take pictures so will post them. 

Also missed bible reading too.  Read this morning about Jonah running away from the Lord and tried to escape on the boat.  He asked the men to throw him overboad in the storm so the seas would calm.  Of course Jonah was swallowed by the whale but his faith in the Lord was steadfast. Some of these stories are hard to believe but I guess it's trying to prove a point that no matter what your ordeal in life, you can overcome anything with faith and perservance.

Here are the cookies .... yum!

Friday 16 December 2011

Very quick note today....busy

Don't want to lapse into not writing.  Jess is coming home today instead of tomorrow so lots to do today!!  Excited Momma :)  Yipee.  Took lots of Christmas shots are my personal favs.

Thursday 15 December 2011

Cold and Frosty

Rather nippy out there this morning.  Minus 11 degrees.  The sun is shining and things that were nipped with the frost look so pretty.  Haven't seen any bird visitors yet this morning. Have been getting Evening Grosbeaks, Chickadees, Juncos and American Goldfinches along with the Blue Jays.  Surprised that they haven't gone much into the suet, just the chickadees seem to try it.

Going to get a move on at the gift wrapping and house tidying up today. 

Had our last bookclub meeting before Christmas and as usual, it was lovely. Enjoy my bookclub friends so much.  We all have so many different opinions and it's funny how someone can see something completely different than what I did. 

Will upload a picture later....may even get a frosty one.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Tired Chickie today

Gotta pull my heels today but at least I am up and kicking.  Did alot of Christmas wrapping yesterday.  Still quite a bit to do but at least I made a start.  Also took some pictures while I was wrapping (our course).  It's cold out today. Going to the library later, will walk but will have to dress warm.  Book club is tonight, so looking forward to that.  We read "An Audience of Chairs", quite an interesting read about a woman who is mentally ill.  I could relate to some of it but it was quite deep and over my head at times.  Also read "Before I go to Sleep" as a read I chose by S.J. Watson.  Quite the nail biter.  Really enjoyed that one.

Just finished the bible reading from Bible Gateway.  Might no wonder people shy away from bible study etc.  This mornings was really over my head.  Revelations 5 about the Seven Spirits of the Lord.  I still don't understand what they were talking about. I did google it and got various theories.  Essentially the seven spirits are 1. Spirit of the Lord  2. Wisdom of the Lord  3.Understanding of the Lord  4.  Counsel  5. Might  6.  Knowledge  7.  Spirit of fear of the Lord.
I still don't know what it all meant..........

Here's a picture of a gift I wrapped yesterday.  I love silver.